Monday, December 29, 2008

Holidays are Just Beginning!

So...for everybody else the holidays are almost over, but for us it's just beginning. Only 2 more days before we leave for INDIANA! We are so excited! It's about time we got a nice long vacation! I'm a little nervous about taking a 4 month old on a 16 1/2 hour drive, but I know we'll have so much fun when we get there. Please pray for us though. Safe travel, good travelling baby, and a relaxing and refreshing vacation. God bless everyone in the beginning of this new year!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Christmas Pictures

It's our second Christmas as husband and wife and our first Christmas with our beautiful son. We had our friend Erica take some pictures of us for Christmas and they turned out beautiful. Although there are about 100 of them, I'm just gonna post a few of my favorites. You can look on our facebook profile to see all of them if you want to.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Love My Boy!

Noah is just getting cuter every day. OK, so I am is mom, I obviously think that, but can anybody disagree??? huh??? No. Anyway, He is so happy and smiley these days. He loves to look around and see everything. He doesn't like to be held toward us, but away from us. He is so curious and gets excited sooo easily. I love watching him learn and grow and discover new things. He's been finding his feet and hands. He'll just watch his feet move with amazement and he'll watch himself clasp his hands together. He makes me laugh every day!

He slept in a chair next to me while I was on the computer. He looked so snuggly and cute. I had to take a picture. My precious Noah. It is times like these that make me want lots of children. (but don't worry, there are other not so cute times that make me want to have NO more children :-)

Baby's First Rice Cereal!

Yesterday Noah tried baby cereal for the first time! I can't believe how much he's growing! Where is my baby going so fast? Isn't he supposed to be my baby forever? It was so adorable. First he made an awful face, but then, after three bites or so, he opened his mouth for the spoon and everything. I had fun giving it to him and watching his expressions. I absolutely LOVE being his mother.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Here are some newer pictures of my little pumpkinhead. I love this boy. These pics were taken over Thanksgiving break. Although I wish we could've gone home to see our families, we spend this Thanksgiving in Ft. Myers. We got to see our adopted grandparents and eat Thanksgiving dinner at the Ft. Myers rescue mission. Noah got to see his first turtles and ducks. It was a blast. We are so thankful for our family and friends and our sweet sweet baby boy.