Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our week: mainly Noah

Here I'm trying again to get a picture of his teeth. I have several more about like this, all failures. one of these days though...

Noah crawling over his toys and getting into stuff.

Here is Noah getting into his "crawling stance". lol. Daddy was trying to get a picture of him looking under the couch, but he wouldn't cooperate after daddy got the camera out. It always works that way though.

Here are some pictures of Noah standing by our bed one morning. We just got a new mattress and we don't have a frame for it yet (or a boxspring), so it is just on the floor for right now. No problem for me! I'm just glad to have a new mattress! Anyway, here he was just taken out of his jams and he and daddy were playing around and Noah climbed off the bed so he could look out the window. Daddy snapped a few pics! So cute!

Toy time!

I love this picture of him checking out his basketball hoop! So much like his father: "how does this thing work?" (it makes music when you pull the hoop and stuff)

Monday, May 25, 2009


Noah is asleep in his bed. I am in the living room. The rain drops are just beginning to fall. I hear the sound of distant thunder. I love the smell of storms and the way the breeze blows when it's getting ready to rain. All is quiet except nature, but nature's sounds are welcome.
I was just sitting here thinking about my devotions last night. I didn't prepare my heart to do devotions like I should have. I was upset about something, so I was just doing devotions so I could get them done and go to bed. God decided to speak to me in spite of my aggrivation and unprepared heart. I thought I would share what He spoke to me about. Just recently, a family known by many people down here, the Biggers, were in an accident. I personally didn't know them, but I heard a lot about them throughout the situation. Apparently, in the accident, the mother/wife and only two children were killed, leaving the father/husband alone. A month later the father died too. Lets just say it was of a broken heart.
That situation hit me so hard. I bawled out of hurt for this poor man when I heard about his family. I couldn't imagine what I would do if something happened to Adam and Noah. If I was left alone, I don't know how I would get out of bed in the morning. I can't imagine being able to carry on at all. Just the thought of it seems hopeless and dark. I figured that I just had to go through each day praying that that sort of thing would never happen to me, but the truth is, it could.
Last night, though, I read a devotional written by a woman who had similar thoughts to mine. How could I possibly live through such a tragic situation?? Then she gave the answer and it went straight to my heart and comforted my fear. This is what she said that God revealed to her: the only reason we can't imagine getting through such difficult times is because we don't yet have the strength that we would need to get through it. God gives us grace and strength just when we need it. He doesn't give us all the grace and strength we need right now to get through the rest of our lives, He gives it to us one day at a time. Today, I only have the strength I need to get through today. Tomorrow, God will give me what I need to get through tomorrow.
This gave me so much peace. I know that if my husband and son died tomorrow, God would give me grace and strength tomorrow to get through it. Please understand that I still pray that God will protect my family, but on the other hand, i can let go of the fear that I can't get through it. Bottom line is I can't get through it, but God can get me through it if or when the time comes. However big or small the situation, God's grace comes in just the right size.

Happy Memorial Day!

Me n My Boy: Cuddle Time

and it was a rainy day just after nap time. can you tell by his face?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Can't Believe he CAN!!

Adam and I were watching an episode of MacGyver on the internet one relaxing afternoon, when I turned around to check on Noah. He was playing on the floor playing with his toys when we sat him there, but when I turned around...he was standing up at the footstool! How did he do it? I have never seen him pull himself up like that before. I'm SOOO glad I didn't miss it. He made Adam and I laugh. He never ceases to amaze us. I am so proud to be his mother. He's such a good and happy baby (for the most part). I'm sure he'll be a great big brother. I've been taking him around to play with other babies a bit more often. I've also been pointing out tiny babies to him. I don't know if there's really anything I can do to prepare him for what is to come. I have been reading Keven Leman's 'the Birth Order Book'. I've been enlightened as I've read tips on parenting the firstborn when the second born comes along. I'm so glad I've read about it to sort of prepare myself to be sure Noah doesn't get treated unfairly or unintentionally 'forgotten' or taken for granted. I'm sure you know what I mean by forgotten... Not that we wouldn't remember that he's there, just that we still spend special time alone with him and make sure he knows we love him more than ever.

Looking at daddy while standing at the footstool:
Trying to play with his bouncy chair toys while standing at the footstool:
there ya go, grandma and grandpa Jones. He goes to all lengths to get to this chair. You made a wise Christmas present decision if your goal was to get him something he LOVED!!! :-)

Here's a video of him when he was standing at the footstool. little booger. I love him!

Here is a video of Noah laughing histerically at me 'sneezing'. I don't know if I just sneezed a lot when I was pregnant with him, or what, but he's obsessed with sneezes. He even laughs when he sneezes himself. He just thinks it's hilarious. I love to hear him laugh, so if he thinks it's funny, that's fine by me! Enjoy!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our "crawler"

Bees and Other Great Times

I told my mother in law I'd keep pictures coming. Here they are!
Noah and I went to mommy/baby music class at the library today! We had such a great time! I hope I get to go next week and i'll try to take some pics. there were probably 8-10 babies there. We sang and danced and did baby exercise and massage. The teacher read the babies a bath fun book. They loved it. Noah enjoyed watching all the other babies. I hope it encourages him to crawl like they did. His crawling doesn't really completely count as crawling since he mostly just scoots around on his belly.
We got our new mattress via UPS today. Adam gets off early, so hopefully it'll be set up tonight and we will get to sleep on it! we'll see. I'm so excited though. RIght now, our mattress is so bad that we can feel all the springs poking us. I actually had a spring get my funny bone the other day. OUCH PAIN!! lol. It was then I knew we NEEDED a new mattress. No mattress on earth should be able to hurt your funny bone.

Here is Noah baby getting into mommy's clean laundry. Love this kid. He's wonderful.

We had an incident with bees this week. yesterday to be exact. One evening, I was taking care of Noah and there was a bee in one of the kitchen windows. Ok, no sweat. I got my shoe and smashed it. All is well. I was then doing the dishes and I heard buzzing. Must've been my imagination. Then I was feeding Noah rice cereal and I saw a bee in the window... so I took my shoe and killed it. Now I hoped there's not a problem. After Noah was in bed I heard the buzzing again. Then I saw a bee in the light (dying). I let it die. Then i knew we had a problem. I mentioned it to Adam when he got home from work. Ok, he said. Good to know. The next morning my wonderful husband got Noah out of bed and let me sleep in. A while later he came in and said he killed 5 bees and there were more in the house. We need to do something. He called Gordon Butcher who works for an extermination/pest prevention company. He came to check it out. He didn't know exactly how to handle the problem, so he called his boss. I wanted Noah out of the house. i was afraid he'd get stung cuz there were so many bees. We took off. Went to west Palm Beach for a bit. When we got back, they had done some exterminating. God Bless 'em. We had to kill a couple in the house, but Here is what was left:

Here is proof that I really am trying to get a picture of Noah's teeth! Too bad that thus far, I have failed. I will keep trying though! there's a spot for the picture in his baby book that I CANNOT LEAVE EMPTY!! I will eventually win.

He knows he's winning the battle

Here is Noah. He crawled under the chair I was sitting in and I decided to save the moment by snapping a picture. He is so funny and sweet! I love him! Yes, that is my skirt and leg. So glad you noticed.

I was taking a picture of Noah to put in his baby book for his '9 month' page.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Babies and Bandaids

Oh if you only knew the unexpected things that happen. Poor little Noah had a doctors appointment a week ago. We originally went to the doctor to make sure he didn't have an ear infection. He had been pulling his ear and fussing excessively. When the doctor, much to our relief, revealed to us that Noah's ears were perfect and infection free, we asked if we could go ahead with his 9 month well baby visit. In a well baby visit, they check his weight, his height, his hips, they ask questions about his development, and he gets shots. I hate being there when he gets shots. Adam usually stays with him while he gets his shots and I wait outside the door. When I hear my poor baby start screaming, I rush in and hold him and hug him and kiss him. This time however, he didn't cry but for a second, and he wanted his daddy. boohoo. j/k. When we were leaving, Adam noticed that the nurse had missed the place she had pricked him and put the bandaid at the wrong place. Adam took off one of the three bandaids and put it over the prick. Noah, our little trooper, just sat in daddy's arms and we took him out to the car. After buckling him in his carseat, we were on our way to eat lunch with one of his ex-coworkers that he keeps in contact with (Dave). While we were sitting in the parking lot waiting to see Dave's vehicle pull in, Adam happened to glance back at Noah in the carseat. He saw two bandaids hanging off Noah's chin sopping wet. Noah was trying to get them back into his mouth, but Adam grabbed them just in the nick of time. Adam felt all over Noah's leg feeling for the third bandaid, but since Noah's carseat still faces backwards, it was hard to find it. Adam pulled him out of his seat and up into the front with us.
We examined his clothes, his limbs, everything we could think of but the bandaid was nowhere to be found. We looked at each other knowing where it must be. Adam squeezed Noah's cheeks together to try to open his mouth and there it was. After we hastily retrieved the bandaid from Noah's mouth, we laughed. Our son had just peeled three bandaids off his leg and attempted to eat them. Who'd of thought.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Oh my how it's been so long AGAIN since I've posted! So much to tell, oh yes. We had an internet dilemma for about a week now. Our internet was mistakenly turned off on Tuesday. It took us a week to get it back up. Got it back just in the nick of time for Mothers Day! yay! I have been so busy. Our house is a mess and it drives me absolutely up the wall crazy. When I got back from Indiana, Adam had begun packing and had done some painting around the house, so it hasn't really been like I like it to be since then. It drives me nuts looking at bare walls since all of our decor was removed in order for him to paint. I want to put it back up, but he repaired all the nail and screw holes, so I'm not allowed. :-(
I don't even have much time now to finish posting, but i'll try to get on again today and keep writing. Here are some pictures from the past week or so. Most of them are Adam and Noah. It warms my heart to see them play together. I can't help but smile at their adorableness! :-)