Tuesday, March 17, 2009

SuperMom! ! The Rearranger...

Yes, I am supermom. She can singlehandedly clean, cook and care for the baby. Now, she can also rearrange. Alright, now the fun is over. I rearranged Noah's room a couple days ago. I don't think I've ever posted pictures of his room, so I thought now would be a good time. He has some other wall decor, but I didn't feel like waiting for another picture to upload. Sorry for your luck. This is a nightlight given to him by a friend at church and some painted letters my cousin did for us at a baby shower. Right now on the bottom shelf of his bookshelf there are some of our books. I'm gonna have to trade those with toys when he starts crawling, but I still don't know what I'm gonna do with them. *sigh*. Our home may not be large, but at least we have one. Thank you Lord for your blessings on me.

This is his "chest of drawers AKA dresser" and his diaper organizer. It's supposed to go on the end of a changing table, but seeing as we don't have one, we made do with hanging it on a closet hanger thingy that we now hang blankets on. His organizer serves as a diaper/pacifier/teether/lotion/gripe water/washcloth holder. We love that thing.

His crib used to face ther other direction with the head of it under that plaque (sp) on the wall. I foresee that when he can pull himself up, he'll be pulling on the curtains. Until then, we'll take advantage of this little change in arrangement. Keep things new and fresh!

For all who might care, my husband has started his own blog. adamtriestoanswer.blogspot.com
His mission is to have people write Biblical questions they might have so that he can research them and try to answer them. I'm hoping that it helps him develop some more pastoral skills. If you come across any questions or things you think might challenge him to think deeper and learn more about God and the Bible, I encourage you to write a question (as a comment to one of his postings). Thank you so much! God bless!

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