Thursday, March 26, 2009


So, it looks like we're moving to Indiana! I've been wanting to for a long time. There are so many things pointing in the direction. God has been opening all the doors and I'm praying the last few kinks work out. Adam still has to finalize a transfer to a Starbucks in that area. There are several reasons we are moving (or wanting to move)...
1. Apparently (announcement alert) we will be having another baby in November. Surprise surprise. not just to you, but to us too! I'm kind of scared, but I know God has everything under control and I completely trust Him to do what is best for us and provide for us along the way.
2. I really want to be near our family.
3. The cost of living will be a fraction of what it is for us now.
4. Adam can now finish his degree online from Hobe Sound
5. I'm done with all the schooling I can get from Hobe Sound.
6. Did I already say I want to be by my mom? lol

Anyway, I'm just gonna be honest. I'm so tired of people saying that we can't make it and "what are we thinking having another baby so soon!" and not believing in us. God is our leader and provider. God is bring the new baby to us, so who are we to question HIM? I don't want to be rude, I just want to say SOMEBODY BELIEVE IN US! Some people feel like they have some special connection to God and God only speaks to them and He couldn't possibly speak to us. God has provided for us this far, and if His promises are true, He never intends to stop. I better stop fuming about that or I'm gonna dig myself into a hole. For you of you who are wondering, I am SO excited to be having another baby and moving to Indiana. Yes, I am going to miss Hobe Sound and my friends. Most of my original friends in my class are leaving anyway because they are graduating too, but there are so many other people I will miss. I love everyone.


Jill M. said...

Good for you! God will provide and He does know best.

ericaJ said...

Oh Beth-Annie this is very sad news, but I'm sure it's for the best. Congrats on the newest lil Jones! I will keep you guys in my prayers as you make this transition.

Bianca said...

I say "you go girl", really! God would not lead you into something He is not going to keep you in! That is how we felt about moving to Oklahoma! I know you are doing what you think is best for your family and I am proud of you for that! It takes some guts and a lot of other things to do something like this! We will be praying for you!

JenofWA said...

I'm so excited for you THREE :) I completely sympathize in your desire to be near home :) I'm gonna miss you all here!

Another baby!! YAY! :)

Jamie said...

Don't worry about what people think! Congratulations on a new baby and your move!

People wondered what we were thinking when we had our girls close together too...but, it usually works out just fine!

Happy for you!

Brian and Jamie

P.S. I didn't realize that you had a blog, or I forgot or something! I'm glad I found it...

Misty said...

Congratulations! I know how excited you must be. It is wonderful to be near family...I was really missing mine today =(

Congratulations on the new baby...we have LOVED having our kids so close together (Kaylee and Karissa are 11 1/2 months apart...we had 4 ages 4 and under) Children are truly a blessing from the Lord...sad that some do not see it that way! Yes our house is crazy at times but I thank God for them (and pray they will sleep at night! LOL)

Lynn Ann said...

Congratulations Bethany! I bet it has been hard to not tell sooner!
We are going to miss ya'll :-(

Vicki Clifton said...

Congratulations! I'm glad God is leading you and you are trusting HIM. Remember "The will of God will never lead you, where His grace can not keep you." Keep us posted :)