Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our Indiana Trip

My sincere apologies to my faithful blog followers. I did not intend on letting my blog go for nearly a month without being touched. I took all the equipment I needed to blog in Indiana, but the opportunity to do it never presented itself. All in all I had a pretty good time 'vacationing' for spring break in Indiana. Didn't turn out to be much of a vacation, but it was nice to be with family. As I previously wrote on my blog, my Aunt Jenny died on April 2. I went home for the funeral and to be with my cousins in particular. I spend nearly every day with Meaghan and we had a really great time. Noah loved being with her. He gave her kisses almost everytime she picked him up! It made me jealous... :-) I spend one day with my cousin Amy. We had a great time cleaning out her room and going through things. I really do mean we had a great time.

I went to IHC for a day with my mom and aunt. It's a bummer that halfway through the day I got really sick and ended up resting in a hotel room during the last two services and didn't get to do near the amount of socializing that I intended to do. I think Noah had a good time being pushed around in his shoulder and having person after person ahhh and oooohhhh over him. He soaks up attention like a desert soaks up water. I really wanted to go to the women of worth service too, but it was so full there wasn't anywhere that would fit a baby, me, and my mom all together. Oh, well.

My brother and I had a great time playing Mario Party after Noah went to bed a couple of nights. We used to do that when we were younger, and by younger I mean when I was still in high school...maybe beginning college. It was super fun. One day my cousin Jon came over to play with us. It was great. Meg played one day too. Don't tell her I said this, but she needs to practice....heeheehee. Love you meg!

I ate some delicious home cooked food while I was home. My mom made a wonderful Easter dinner with ham, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, green beans, baked beans, and rolls. It was amazing. I wished I could keep eating it all day. The next Sunday I ate over at my in-laws. It was delicious too! We had pork roast, green beans, potatoes, and homemade rolls. Oh and did I mention the salad? That was great too. Noah had a good time eating too.

Noah did pretty good on the flights. He was no trouble at all in take off, but landing was hard on both of us. I guess it may have been hurting his ears, but I'm not sure if that's why he was so upset, or just the simple fact that he'd been stuck in one little spot for so long and he wanted out. He's so busy, so in some ways, I almost lean toward the latter.

I regret that I didn't take many pictures. There was so much going on. I am super sad that I don't have a picture of Noah on his first Easter. I don't know what was going through my head! My aunt will be on here looking for a picture of Noah and his first time in Ohio (at IHC), but I can't find one of that either. (sorry aunt B!) All I know is that I'm looking forward to moving back up to Indiana. There will be some obstacles to overcome, but being near family will be worth it. They are what matters most. The recent family loss only proved it.

Here are a few of the pictures I did take followed by some videos. Take time to watch the videos...they're pretty cute. Be aware that they were taken from my cell phone so they may be a bit blurry. Thanks!

Playing with Grandma Jones:

Grandpa James in Noah. We were eating dinner at Garfields.

Noah cuddling with meggie. We love you meg!

Grandma James giving Noah his first bath in the big boy bath tub. Boy did he love it!

We cousins having a ball at my parents house watching movies and hanging out. Lots of fun and laughs...just in case you couldn't tell.
This is Markie and Kim

Kelly, Justin and Aaron

This video is hilarious. You have to get to the very end to see the funniest funny part. It's really cute.

Noah picking up his puff with his grabbing fingers for the very first time in his life! Well...he had done it a couple times before this but it was this exact time sitting on the floor at Grandma and Grandpa Jones' that he learned how to!

Bye Bye! Thanks for reading our blog!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Leisure...

Here is my honey engulfed in a book. It is a Christian suspence/action novel by Andrew Snaden called 'Traitors'. I only finished it yesterday after a good week of reading it. He read the entire thing today. I didn't mind letting him have a good time while I slaved away with food and baby and laundry. I'm getting ready to leave for Indiana tomorrow for my aunts funeral, so where usually I would avoid laundry on a Sunday, I needed to do some to be ready to leave tomorrow. It's gonna be an interesting day.
Here is Noah cuddlin' with daddy while mommy was making him a bottle. He looks so sweet there doesn't he? aww.... I love that kid.

Here is Noah playing in his exersaucer. He really enjoys that thing. Thank you grandma and grandpa Jones!

the other day at Target we got him some little mesh fruit/veggie holders. They are made so that you can give your child food inside of it and snap it closed so they can chew it and eat it, but the pieces have to be small enough that they can't choke on them to fit through the holes. I haven't given him food in it yet, but I did try ice today. Gale Wheatcraft gave me that idea because Katie used to use one. It helps to relieve his teething symptoms and he enjoys sucking on the water too!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tot toys and talking

Noah is focussing really hard on something in his exersaucer. What is it? Probably the curtains...we've been getting onto him a lot these days about pulling on the curtains...

What a mess!! I can't even keep the place clean! From the moment Noah wakes up in the morning until he goes to bed at night it's toys, toys everywhere!! They are rising quickly to being my arch enemy...grrr...j/k
Here is Noah on the floor...Play play playing to his heart's content...

A...A is for what mommy?

Our little burger chef...yes, I know...a beautiful baby...

Daddy is definitely better at taking pictures with the phone than mommy is, look at the difference!!

It isn't really clear, but I think you can hear him say 'Hi' in this video. We've been teaching him to say hi and wave, he does it sometimes, but rarely, if ever, for the camera...well, one of these days we'll catch a good one!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Losing Someone...Something noone wants to do...

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009. A hard day for everyone in my family and all of our family friends. Jenny Closser, a wonderful woman, went to be with the Lord. It was completely unexpected. I think that's the worst way. She was a compassionate and loving woman. She loved everyone and cared about people. She was faithful to church. Rarely missed a service. She taught Sunday school. She loved for kids to sit with her in church. She loved her 3 daughters, Amy, Amanda, and Meaghan with all of her heart. She lovingly cared for her adopted brother, Travis, as if he was her own son. She was truly a wonderful woman and I will miss her with all of my heart.

We will all miss her. She was loved by everyone that knew her. I am so thankful that we, the family, can know that she is in Heaven with the Lord and we will see her again. I pray God's comfort to her daughters. If I am hurting so badly and I am only her neice, I can't even imagine what her daughters, my wonderful and loved cousins, must be feeling.

Please pray for the family. I don't know what will happen. There is a hard road ahead of them and us as a family, but God does know what will happen. He already has it all planned out.

Again, please, if you read this, say a prayer.

We love you Aunt Jenny

Thursday, April 2, 2009

He was SUPPOSED to be sleeping...

Yes, Noah was just put down for a nap about 15 minutes before this. He just played and played for quite a while. I think I've told you before that he does this, but I just had to prove it to ya. It's so cute. I know i'm gonna enjoy watching this video for years to come. I'm sorry it's so blurry, but it's a phone video. Our camera memory card is full, so I just made due! Thanks for watching!