Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Leisure...

Here is my honey engulfed in a book. It is a Christian suspence/action novel by Andrew Snaden called 'Traitors'. I only finished it yesterday after a good week of reading it. He read the entire thing today. I didn't mind letting him have a good time while I slaved away with food and baby and laundry. I'm getting ready to leave for Indiana tomorrow for my aunts funeral, so where usually I would avoid laundry on a Sunday, I needed to do some to be ready to leave tomorrow. It's gonna be an interesting day.
Here is Noah cuddlin' with daddy while mommy was making him a bottle. He looks so sweet there doesn't he? aww.... I love that kid.

Here is Noah playing in his exersaucer. He really enjoys that thing. Thank you grandma and grandpa Jones!

the other day at Target we got him some little mesh fruit/veggie holders. They are made so that you can give your child food inside of it and snap it closed so they can chew it and eat it, but the pieces have to be small enough that they can't choke on them to fit through the holes. I haven't given him food in it yet, but I did try ice today. Gale Wheatcraft gave me that idea because Katie used to use one. It helps to relieve his teething symptoms and he enjoys sucking on the water too!

1 comment:

savegan2008 said...

I love the pic of Adam and Noah! i think it is so precious! :) i love "my" boys! hehe