I went to IHC for a day with my mom and aunt. It's a bummer that halfway through the day I got really sick and ended up resting in a hotel room during the last two services and didn't get to do near the amount of socializing that I intended to do. I think Noah had a good time being pushed around in his shoulder and having person after person ahhh and oooohhhh over him. He soaks up attention like a desert soaks up water. I really wanted to go to the women of worth service too, but it was so full there wasn't anywhere that would fit a baby, me, and my mom all together. Oh, well.
My brother and I had a great time playing Mario Party after Noah went to bed a couple of nights. We used to do that when we were younger, and by younger I mean when I was still in high school...maybe beginning college. It was super fun. One day my cousin Jon came over to play with us. It was great. Meg played one day too. Don't tell her I said this, but she needs to practice....heeheehee. Love you meg!
I ate some delicious home cooked food while I was home. My mom made a wonderful Easter dinner with ham, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, green beans, baked beans, and rolls. It was amazing. I wished I could keep eating it all day. The next Sunday I ate over at my in-laws. It was delicious too! We had pork roast, green beans, potatoes, and homemade rolls. Oh and did I mention the salad? That was great too. Noah had a good time eating too.
Noah did pretty good on the flights. He was no trouble at all in take off, but landing was hard on both of us. I guess it may have been hurting his ears, but I'm not sure if that's why he was so upset, or just the simple fact that he'd been stuck in one little spot for so long and he wanted out. He's so busy, so in some ways, I almost lean toward the latter.
I regret that I didn't take many pictures. There was so much going on. I am super sad that I don't have a picture of Noah on his first Easter. I don't know what was going through my head! My aunt will be on here looking for a picture of Noah and his first time in Ohio (at IHC), but I can't find one of that either. (sorry aunt B!) All I know is that I'm looking forward to moving back up to Indiana. There will be some obstacles to overcome, but being near family will be worth it. They are what matters most. The recent family loss only proved it.
Here are a few of the pictures I did take followed by some videos. Take time to watch the videos...they're pretty cute. Be aware that they were taken from my cell phone so they may be a bit blurry. Thanks!
Playing with Grandma Jones:
Grandpa James in Noah. We were eating dinner at Garfields.
Noah cuddling with meggie. We love you meg!
Grandma James giving Noah his first bath in the big boy bath tub. Boy did he love it!
We cousins having a ball at my parents house watching movies and hanging out. Lots of fun and laughs...just in case you couldn't tell.
This is Markie and Kim
Kelly, Justin and Aaron
This is Markie and Kim
Kelly, Justin and Aaron
This video is hilarious. You have to get to the very end to see the funniest funny part. It's really cute.
Bye Bye! Thanks for reading our blog!
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