Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our week: mainly Noah

Here I'm trying again to get a picture of his teeth. I have several more about like this, all failures. one of these days though...

Noah crawling over his toys and getting into stuff.

Here is Noah getting into his "crawling stance". lol. Daddy was trying to get a picture of him looking under the couch, but he wouldn't cooperate after daddy got the camera out. It always works that way though.

Here are some pictures of Noah standing by our bed one morning. We just got a new mattress and we don't have a frame for it yet (or a boxspring), so it is just on the floor for right now. No problem for me! I'm just glad to have a new mattress! Anyway, here he was just taken out of his jams and he and daddy were playing around and Noah climbed off the bed so he could look out the window. Daddy snapped a few pics! So cute!

Toy time!

I love this picture of him checking out his basketball hoop! So much like his father: "how does this thing work?" (it makes music when you pull the hoop and stuff)

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